
So although there is a contact list in the phone application, there is also a separate application for contacts. In this application all contacts are listed together, but they can also be displayed separately per group or source type. The list of all contacts is very long, since e-mail, Facebook, Twitter and phone contacts are mixed up here. Linking contact details of the same person is possible but has to be done completely manually.


Of course the Classic has an SMS application and BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) but fortunately WhatsApp can also be installed. There is no separate email application available on the Classic. Instead there is the BlackBerry Hub. This is a kind of combined inbox, but not only for e-mail. It also receives notifications of calls, messenger and text messages, social media, the phone, etc. As far as we are concerned, this is a very nice and clear application. Should the list become too long then the messages can also be displayed separately per service or a special priority group can be created. By clicking on a message, the message will be opened in the corresponding app.

BlackBerry's have been known for their excellent physical QWERTY keyboard since time immemorial and the Classic also lives up to this reputation. Even for an inveterate touchscreen user, the keyboard is pleasant to use after a short period of getting used to it. Especially typing with two thumbs at the same time works very well. For capital letters there is the shift key and for punctuation and other symbols there is the alt key. If you still miss certain characters, you can press the 'Sym' button.


Multiple input languages can be enabled and the device will automatically detect which language is being typed in. Manual switching between languages can be done by pressing alt + enter in a text field. There is also spell check and correction available, but both are not very strict. This is not really necessary because miraculously you type most letters correctly.

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