Update Windows Phone 7 crashes Samsung handsets

A minor update for Windows Phone 7 is causing big troubles. Microsoft mobile operating system got an update to make the system ready for a larger update.

Microsoft decided to pull the update immediately, after users reporting their phone crashed after the update. " In response to this emerging issue, we have temporarily taken down the latest software update for Samsung phones in order to correct the issue and as soon as possible will redistribute the update", a spokesperson of the company told WinRumors.

Omnia 7

Interesting detail is that the update doesn't improve much on the handset. It has no new functions. The only thing that has been improved, is the updating process. Microsoft did that, because a new update comes soon, bring copy paste and other functions to WP7. In Europe, the Omnia 7 has been affected by this problem. We expect that this update won't be brought to your phone for now, but of it does, first check if the bug has been fixed.

Source: Winrumors.com

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