Zack Nelson of the well-known YouTube channel JerryRigEverything subjected the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6 to a teardown. At the end of his video, the Flip 6 is completely broken but at the beginning we see a comparison with the Flip 5. And then it's easy to notice how less visible the fold has become.
JerryRigEverything's videos always hurt us a little. We see a perfectly working device completely destroyed. According to Zack, it's for a good cause; it keeps people from buying a poorly manufactured phone.
And although Zack is not a fan of the Samsung Flip phones, he is impressed with the build quality. For example, he notes that the small brushes that keep dust from reaching the hinge are gone. And yet, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 receives a dust-resistant IP48 rating.
Less visible crease
But the most striking thing about the video is the screen comparison with the Flip 5. The fold was always fairly visible until the Z Flip5. Samsung seems to have done something about that with the Flip6. It is, in fact, much less noticeable.

According to Zack, this may be due to the presence of Shear Thickening Fluid (STF). This layer has been added since the Flip 6 and should minimize screen distortion. And by the looks of it, STF is doing its job well; the fold is virtually invisible.