
A phone that focuses on the business segment has to cope with a long day of busy calling, emailing and updating the calendar. During our trial period, we had the synchronization of two email accounts, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp constantly on. We also made occasional calls and sometimes surfed the internet. This resulted in an average battery time of about 40 hours. This is solid but not spectacular.

To increase endurance, there is the familiar energy saving mode. It can automatically turn on a self-set battery percentage and changes some of the settings of the device. During normal use of the device there is also the possibility to save power by placing the device with the screen facing down. The phone then switches to sleep mode.

Call quality

The phone application consists of three tabs. One for phone calls, one for contacts and one for the numeric keypad. The first tab may speak for itself. In the contact list, an existing contact can be quickly found by typing a number of letters. Next, not only names of contacts are searched, but also their work, if available. The dialpad on the third tab is really only for entering numbers. We've had no problems when it comes to call quality.


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